Elections & Vacancies

Elections & Vacancies

What does a Community Councillor do?

The council is a team consisting of the Chairman (who ensures a balanced debate and leads the council), the Councillors (who do the debating and decision-making) and the Clerk (who ensures that the council acts in a legal manner and takes action on the decisions made).

Councillors are from the local community and represent the views and concerns of those who elect them. They understand local concerns, debate issues within council meetings and use their best judgement to make decisions.

The role of a Councillor is not just confined to meetings – many are active in other community areas and bring that expertise and knowledge to the council meeting to benefit all.

Councillors are known locally and are often asked for advice or help; it is their responsibility to seek an answer or solution through the council.

Training to be a councillor is available through the Cumbria Association of Local Councils (CALC).

Clifton Community Council Elections

For further information on the role of a Councillor, please contact the Clerk or consult the Cumbria Association of Local Councils website (www.calc.org.uk)

If you would like to become a member of the Community Council, please contact the Community Council Clerk, Becx Carter on cliftonpc@outlook.com